This little guy manages to get me all the time, always at the start of my day; Nathan always a pleasure to see you happy and smile, along with your entire family. I can see Nathan really taking well to Niko. ❤3:16 Love the way Nathan was reaching for his Nana Niko—but of course he shared his food with sweet PhillyBear first. Good boy, Nathan! ❤🥰Look how gentle Phil takes his food from Nathan. 🙂 How sweet is this. Everyone wants Nathan’s food ! Lol Nathan looks around wondering what everyone is looking at This is just so sweet! Hugs from Alberta Canada! You make my days! :)You are wonderful parents and wonderful people. This is all reflected in how unique , loving , and calm both kids and animals are. No matter what is going on there really is a sense of happy peace. ❤Nathan is getting to be a big boy. The dogs are all happy to help with feeding time. 😊❤🐺🐺