German shepherds have so much energy but you can see jessie trying to contain her energy around these delicate kittiesIt’s fascinating that the puppy’s first reaction is to sniff and then groom them! If ...
When They Realise Grandad’s In The House! (Excited Dogs!!)
I love Milo has joined in greeting with grandpa I love how Philly is so emotional when see his grandpa in spite of his knee pain he still is in great Spirits. He knows ...
Adorable Baby Boy Talks To His Giant Husky! (Cutest Ever!!)
Nathan Loves Teddy and Teddy Loves Nathan ❤❤❤ My heart is melting over such Cuteness ❤❤❤Joan 😊I love to watch how Nathan is growing 💖💖💖💖👍👍Nathan is adorable ❤Teddy is a beautiful beautiful boy❤❤❤❤ I’ve ...